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Coaching for happiness and success, sportscoaching

Get back into the energetical control of your future, happiness and success, your emotions and thoughts. Let go of being a victim and create the life you want. It is possible! Claim back your own power and get more independent from what's going on around you. It is your birthright to lead a happy, healthy and successful life!

After the evaluation of an exact energetical entry protocol and the analysis of where you are in your life right now and what are your goals for life, we create the better future and life you wish for. Suited exactly to what you need.
Liberated from self-sabotage, energetical blockages, limiting believes and negative emotions. This is your start towards the life you wish for and towards a future full of love, happiness and abundance. Claim your power back!


  • Entry protocol of energetic state
  • Clear definition of the desired energetic goal
  • Defining of the archetype you are mostly representing
  • Based on this – work on your emotions, self-image, expression and understanding of the world around you
  • Letting go of old patterns
  • Deletion of negative memories on the energetical level
  • Anchoring of positive energetical anchors
  • Transformation of negative believes into powerful and useful believes
  • Creating a vision board of your goals and desired future
  • Supporting guided audios
  • Work with affirmations, metaphors and inner images
  • Value evaluation
  • Creating energetical congruency with your goals

All treatments are, without exception, done on energetical level only!

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Time Line Therapy © after Dr. Tad James


The so called time line – this is your personal, virtual map  inwhich you can go on a mental journey through past events, past emotional incidents and even to past lifes and into your future. It is your personal travel planner, your map of inner pictures and an energetic imprint of your soul.


With time line therapy © we can travel through this virtual world and can experience the rout causes that have built up the specific emotions, the incidents that lead to limiting decisions or traumatic events. And going back to the root cause we can salve these issues and so to speak delete these energeticalimprints in your system.


Most important is the fact  that we can get insights, learnings, why we built up these topics and problems and this empowers us to truly understand what happened, what was missing and what we need to heal. For a better future, alife in freedom and in our full power.


I was taught in this incredible efficient and easy techniques that really makes the difference,  from the creator of time line therapy © himself – Dr. Tad James – an NLP legend. And it was most inspiring to experience this unique teacher and therapist. I am member of the Time Line Therapy © Association.


All treatments are, without exception, done on energetical level only!

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Transformational coaching

Transformational coaching is an easy and very efficient, energetically based, technique to transform your negative self-image into a positive one. To find out the initial events that created energetic blockages in your system, the reasons for inner conflicts and health issues. You get direct access to your leading issues in life and create a better understanding of the relating emotions and patterns that were created earlier in your life and are stored in your energetical system.

In deep relaxation you can energetically work on your deepest fears and limiting believes, change patterns and create the future you wish for. All issues, such as health, happiness, success and determination in this life can be revealed and clarified energetically.

Transformational coaching leads into a deeply relaxed state, but is not hypnosis or trance. The client at any time is fully aware of what is going on and can actively participate in the process.


  • Life LineTravel
  • Age Regression
  • Past Life Regression
  • Work on stressing triggers, burn out, sleeping problems
  • Deletion of energetical blockages
  • Deletion of energetical trauma
  • Programming of the ideal self-image
  • Experiencing self-love and therefore healing of the soul
  • Understanding, forgiving and letting go on the deepest level
  • Deep relaxation training

All treatments are, without exception, done on energetical level only!

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Emotional Balance © after Dr. Roy Martina

Emotional Balance © is an easy and efficient, energetically based and profound technique to delete blockages in the psycho-energetic system and to create new supporting and helpful positive programs that serve your needs and goals.

The deletion of karmic links, creating a new, positive self-image, deepening of these issues by relaxation techniques and the support of balancing energetic remedies are some of the many tools of this method as well as the balancing of the meridians and chakras and the work with the 5 Elements and the inner child.

This is how we achieve breakthroughs on your new path towards health, abundance, happiness and success.


  • Pre evaluation of energetic state
  • Energetic Switching
  • Scanning of the system in regards of sabotage, blockages and not supporting patterns
  • Evaluation of the involved emotions and recreating the energetical balance in the meridians
  • Balancing the chakras
  • Delinking of karmic link
  • Deletion of inner conflicts
  • Creating a new self-image according to your needs
  • Work with the inner child, your path
  • Guided meditations for success, health and abundance
  • Work with the Royal Remedies ©

All treatments are, without exception, done on energetical level only!

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Work with Matrix and Quantum Energy

Everything is energy, vibrations and frequencies and everything in our world and universe is connected. We are one! By creating a direct connection with the so called Quantum field, the Morphogenetic field, our Matrix, we can spontaneously collapse and adapt energetic vibrations and involved frequencies and therefore experience immediate changes in the here and now.

These often amazing effects cannot be explained, but only experienced and are a huge gain in my daily work as an energetic coach - for me, as well as for my clients.


  • Energetical healing
  • Remote healing
  • Increasing the self-healing forces
  • Deletion of energetic interferences

All treatments are, without exception, done on energetical level only!

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Spiritual development

For all of you who look further, feel more and dream consciously!
It's my pleasure to accompany you on your spiritual path. You learn how to connect with your higher self – your spirit – and therefore find the answers you have been looking for so long. This work leads into a deep understanding of your karmic issues and this is how you can free yourself from negative karma and free your soul. This leads, as well as the increase of your own frequency according to the Aquarius Age and the establishment of your connection to mother earth and the cosmic energies, to a profound spiritual change in your life.


  • Connecting to your spirit to the infinite power of mother earth and your cosmic source
  • Increase of your frequencies of body, soul and aura
  • Connecting with your higher self to find answers to your most profound issues in this life
  • Cleansing of the energetical body
  • Karma burning
  • Work with the divine light

All treatments are, without exception, done on energetical level only!

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Guided Meditations

Guided meditations are very powerful and deep treatments for our body and mind. Various issues such as stress, sleeping problems, deep relaxation, burn out and many other general health or mental topics can be treated in this deeply relaxed state and can be significantly energetically improved by this technique.

The entire energetical level of body and mind can be increased and stabilized and your power sources refilled. In this state of deep relaxation you can easily let go of stress, pressure and doubts and reload power and serenity for your daily life.

These guided meditations can easily be followed by anyone. There is no need to be experienced in relaxation techniques. Just let go of all the stress and impressions outside and experience your inner peace and strength.

Session for a single person, are as well offered as group sessions up to 6 persons. Issues according to your needs and goals will be selected.

All treatments are, without exception, done on energetical level only!

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Coaching tariffs

Energetical Personal Coaching
Flexible and issue oriented at your service. Fast and efficient help before facing important decisions, big challenges or simply help when you need it most. In times of personal crisis, stress or burn out as well as dealing with acute physical and psycho-energetic issues. First aid for an energetical turn around. Quick and efficient help to reconnect with your inner voice and your own power. Tariff for your personal coaching 150€ incl. taxes, 1 unit (1.5 – 2 hours)

Energetical Power Coaching
Customized assistance, according to your specific needs and goals in the presence. Detailed analysis and research and based on this, the development of new perspectives, chances and possibilities for a brighter, healthier and successful life. You regain your trust in your inner voice, in your guidance and get empowered to use your energies consciously and constructively to create a happy and abundant life.

Tariff for your personal power coaching 680€
6 weeks of assistance and intense work

  • 4 session, 1 unit (1.5 – 2 hours) each session
  • 1 Transformational coaching for 1.5 hours
  • 1 session - work in the quantum field , 30 minutes
  • 1 skype or phone session for maintenance, 30 minutes
  • 1 Coaching report and manual
  • 1 Audio CD
  • 1 Remedy

Energetical Mastery
Deep training and work, true transformation. Your individual way towards a brighter future, a self-determined life. A reset on energetical level. Once and forever you leave unuseful patterns and believes behind, delete energetical blockages and liberate your system from negative energies. All energetically relevant levels are cleansed, balanced and reprogramed. You claim back your own power and create the life you want, you learn how to better set your boundaries, achieve your goals and how to use your power to create what you want. You can achieve more then you have ever dreamed of and transform from being a victim into a self-determined person that is always connected with its power and trust. Loving, caring, with open heart – for yourself and others!
Ready for this world!

Tariff for Energetical Mastery 1800€
6 months of assistance and intense work

  • 2 sessions per month – a total of 12 session, 1 unit (1.5 – 2 hours) each session
  • 3 Transformational coaching sessions, 1 unit (1 – 1.5 hours) each session
  • 2 sessions work in the Quantum field
  • 3 skype or phone session for maintenance, each one for 30 minutes
  • 1 Coaching report and manual
  • 1 Audio CD
  • 3 Remedies


All treatments are, without exception, done on energetical level only!

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